Celebrating 65,000+ years
of Wiradjuri Culture

More details coming soon...
6th april 2024
A free festival celebrating 65,000+ years of Wiradjuri Culture, Creativity and Continuity on the Inland plains of New South Wales
At the iconic Wiradjuri Study Centre in Condobolin
2-4 September 2022

Celestial Emu rising over Wattle Flat, 2019, by Bathurst astro-photographer Niall MacNeill. Artwork by Belinda Coe, Galari Creative, Condobolin.
A full weekend of Wiradjuri food, music, dancing, visual arts, crafts, stargazing, talks, footy, fishing, and our inaugural Miima-gu Ngaahna Regenerative Futures Expo in the little inland town of Condobolin, NSW.
Friday Night, 2nd of September.
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Opening ceremony and Gala Dinner on the Wiradjuri Study Centre veranda featuring traditional and contemporary Wiradjuri food prepared by Indigenous chef Gerald Power. Includes previews of SkyFest exhibitions, astronomy, a unique fashion parade, and stunning XR (Extended Reality) projections.
Saturday, 3RD OF September.
2.00PM – 6.00 PM
Miima-Gu Ngaahna (Reaching for the stars) Regenerative Future Expo.
Promoting regenerative products and services which will help us create a clean, green, renewable energy future for everyone.
Saturday, 3RD OF September.
Condo SkyFest Miima Warrabinya, with traditional and contemporary Wiradjuri music, dance, arts and crafts exhibitions and workshops, and stargazing plus our inaugural Miima-gu Ngaahna Regenerative Futures Expo